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Information Questions: Information Questions (#1)

Dennis Oliver
Information Questions (#1)


The answers for simple questions in English are "Yes,"
"No," or "I don't know" (or its equivalent). The answers
for information questions are varied--because they are
used to ask about specific kinds of information.

Information questions are also called "Wh-" questions
because many of the words that are used to ask this
type of question begin with Wh-.



Information Questions:
Common Question Words

Use this question word to ask about
Who* people (names and
other identifying
information) used
Whom* people (names and
other identifying
information) used
What things (subject
or object)
( + noun)
Where locations (places)
When time (general)
What time time (specific)
What . . . do actions (verbs)
Why* reasons
( + noun)
one part of a group
(when all of the parts
are not known)
( + noun)
one part of a group
(when the parts
are known)
What kind of
( + noun)
descriptive names
for categories
What color colors
How manner; methods
How many
( + noun)
number (used with
countable nouns)
How much
( + noun)
quantity (used with
uncountable nouns)
How long* duration (periods
of time); length
How far* distance
How old age
How ( + adjective
or adverb)
degree or extent


Special Notes


1. In careful writing and speaking, who is used
subjects and whom is used for objects,
but in "relaxed" (casual) speech, 
who is
often used for 
both subjects and objects.
The difference in meaning is clear, however,
because the grammar for subject and object
questions is different (to be treated later).
2. Whose (for ownership) sounds the same as
Who's ( = Who is or Who has), but their
meanings are quite different.

Two idiomatic "Why" questions are very
commonly heard in everyday conversation:

How come? and What for?

How come does not use question grammar:
it's followed by a statement.

What for can be used alone or with What
at the beginning and 
for at the end. Except for
this requirement, it uses question grammar.


How far is normally used in this way:

How far is it . . . . .?


How is also common with adjectives used 

How tall / How heavy / How long (length) /
How wide / How big, etc.

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