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More on: More on Bring and Take

Dennis Oliver

A Little More Information on
Bring and Take

In general, bring shows movement toward the speaker
and take shows movement away from the speaker.
These two common verbs can be more complicated,
however, because both bring and take can be used
with to and from.

If has a favorite picture at home and wants to put it 
on his or her office desk, A brings the picture from
home when he / she brings the picture to the office.
We can also say that A takes the picture from home
when she / he takes the picture to the office. (Bring is
used when the reference is the office; take is used when
the reference is home.)

If B (a child) sees that her/his baby sister has some
matches, B will probably take the matches from the
baby and then take the matches to his / her mother
or father. If B's mother or father wants the matches,
she / he will probably say, "Take those matches from
the baby and bring them to me!"

If it is lunchtime and C's (another child's) father is
working in his home office, C's mother might say,
"Please take this sandwich and tea to your father and
when he's finished, please bring the plate and cup
back to me."


More examples:

Father: "The newspaper is outside the door. I'd like
to read it. Can you get it?"

Father asked me to take the newspaper
from outside the door and bring it to him.

Father: "Here's an interesting article in the
newspaper. I think your mother would like to
read it. I want to see it again after your mother has
finished with it."

First, I took the newspaper to
my father. While he was looking at
it, he saw an article and asked if
I could take the article to my mother
and then bring it back to him when
she was finished with it.

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