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Nouns: Nouns #8: Uncountable Nouns (Quantifiers #1)

Dennis Oliver
Nouns #8:
Uncountable Nouns (Quantifiers #1)

Because uncountable nouns in English do not have plurals
and cannot be counted in the normal way, quantifiers
are often used as a way of "measuring" them. The basic
quantifiers are someanya little, and a lot of, but there
are many more.

One group of quantifiers is common with food and items
found at home: the names of the containers in which the
items are sold:

quantifier (container) uncountable nouns
a bag of _____ candy, flour, sugar, rice
a bottle of _____ water, wine, beer, ketchup
(catsup), vinegar, juice,
soy sauce, cooking oil,
olive oil, salad dressing, soda,
aspirin (or other medicine)
a box of _____ detergent, salt, candy,
cereal, chalk, baking soda,
pasta, jello, sugar
a can of _____ fruit, motor oil, beer, soda,
baking powder, paint
a carton of _____ soda, ice cream, milk,
creamer, juice
a jar of _____ jam, jelly, mustard, relish,
fruit, mayonnaise
a pack of _____ gum
a package of _____ meat
a six-pack of _____ beer, soda
a tin of _____ aspirin
a tub of _____ margarine
a tube of _____ toothpaste, lipstick, shampoo


Special Note:

These containers can also be used for countable nouns:

a bag of potato chips / potatoes / apples /
onions / groceries;

a box of paper clips / cigars / envelopes / kleenex /
crackers / chocolates;

a can of beans (and other fruits and vegetables);

a carton of cigarettes / eggs;

a jar of olives / pickles;

a pack of cigarettes / razor blades;

a tin of sardines

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