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Conversational Language: Conversational Language (#12)

Dennis Oliver
Conversational Language (#12):
More Informal Responses to
"How are you?" Questions


Here are some more common responses to "How are you?"
(and variations on this question) in informal situations:


Positive Responses

A: How are you? / How's it going? / How've
you been? (etc.)

Great! / Fantastic! / Wonderful! / Terrific! /
Super! / I couldn't be better!

Note: Sometimes a positive response is shown
by using a gesture, not words: the person
being spoken to makes a fist with the thumb
extended up vertically.

Neutral Responses

A: How are you? / How's it going? / How've
you been? (etc.)

So-so. / OK. / I could be worse. / I can't
really complain. / OK, I guess.

Note: Sometimes a neutral response is shown
by using a gesture, not words: one hand is
extended, palm down, and slowly "tipped"
from side to side in a horizontal manner.

Negative Responses

A: How are you? / How's it going? / How've
you been? (etc.)

Terrible! / Awful! / I could be better. / Really
bad! / I couldn't be worse!

Note: Sometimes a negative response is shown
by using a gesture, not words: the person
being spoken to makes a fist with the thumb
extended down vertically.

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