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Textbooks: Conversation Starters - Resource for Teachers

Rosemary Painter
Want to get your students talking, but they are reluctant? I have developed a text for starting conversations in intermediate ESL/EFL classes. "But," you say, "That's an oxymoron!" The text provides vocabulary around a universal topic or category. You, the wonderful teacher, launch into a a discussion, asking questions of cultural or general interest. If no questions come to mind, no worries! I included 4 questions or so per topic, so if you get stuck, you can just use the questions on the page.

Your students will no doubt improve their interactive English skills. Available at www.booksurge.com. Copiable pages for your students' notetaking.

Conversation Starters for Intermediate ESL Students
by Rosemary Painter, MS Ed - TESOL
Champaign, Illinois

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